Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thailand.....Day 7

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We started our morning with our daily group devotionals, breakfast, and a prayer, then headed out to our 2nd day of mobile clinic.  Today we were with a group from a different local church about 30 minutes from Chaing Mai.  This seemed to be a more affluent neighborhood and our clinic was located in front of a government building.  I never really figured out what they did there- the translation was that they "help people"!  We set up and waited.  Today was a much slower day as far as clinic.  We only was about 90 people total for the whole day.  But our being there really helped open doors for the fledgling chuch!

Yes- this is how people get around in Thailand!

Pastor Wu Chin from the church in Bangkla


Yupin and Jamie

Amanda & Chelsey

Veronica and I

Jared and Amy

One of Amanda's jobs was to label Thai!  She did a great job writing Thai! : )

Things slowed down a bit towards lunchtime.  This lady showed up with her sweet little baby.  She came because she was "worried and depressed".  Dave and Yupin sat with her for a very long time, talking to her about her troubles, telling her about God and how he sent Jesus to die for our sins, how much He loves her, and how He can help her and give her strength and ease her pain.  It was amazing to see God work...right in front of my table!  She prayed and accepted Christ.  What an amazing thing!

I was happy to hold her sleeping baby for her!

 Mid-afternoon this bright pink mini-bus showed up with a group to offer free Pap smears to anyone who wanted!  It was so weird....similar to the mobile mammogram units I guess!  These are the pants they gave the ladies to put on.  I loved them!  Much more modest than a flapping gown!

Don't eat it Nicole!

 At the end of our clinic day we headed over to the church to do our debriefing.  Being up in the front, I really didn't get to see much of what went on.  It was so great to hear the Thai Christians sharing about their experiences and hearing about the 6 people that accepted Christ today! 

The Pastor of the church there talked with us about how the town we were in has no Christians and the church is trying to reach out to this town.  The way they have been trying to do that is through their children's ministry.  They hold after school care and all kinds of events for the kids in the community.  They have over 100 kids involved but have been unable to really reach many adults.  He shared that by us coming, many of the children's parents and others wanted to learn more about their church and see what they were all about.  Even the mayor had come to our clinic and told the pastor that he wanted to work more with their church as he felt they could do more great things together.  Pastor said that he has felt like a man with a pick-ax picking away, but we were like a tractor coming in!  He got teary-eyed when he told us this.  He was so grateful that we had come and listening to him talk it seems that we did amazing things that will really help this church to reach into the community and share Jesus with the Thai people here.  What a great day!

We headed out to a nearby restaurant for dinner.  This was a neat place near Chaing Mai airport. 

The place was so beautiful with wood carvings and fountains.

Tom Yum Soup 

Dragonfruit, Papaya, Pineapple, Watermelon

A nice dinner with our group!

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