Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 11, 2012

My mom invited us to go along to Tempe Town Lake where the had a big September 11 memorial.  She had read about it on a blog she frequents and really wanted to go!  We drove down to Tempe and spent some time checking out the powerful display.

They had set up a flag in honor of every person killed in the 9/11 tragedy.  It was absolutely breathtaking and moving to visualize that number.  There were so many flags....the loss of life so sad.

Ethan taking a really awesome picture!  I will try to get it from the iPad and post here.

Each flag had a laminated card with a person's name, age, and a little about them.  We spent alot of time reading these and remembering all those who lost their lives.

The boots represented different soldiers, firefighters, and police officers killed that day.

And even more tragic were the flags representing the children.

This young Marine asked to interview Logan for a story he was doing.  He is a journalism major at ASU and was doing a story about kids reaction to 9/11 and what they think.

I am so glad we went and I thought the memorial was very moving.  I hope they continue to do this every year! 

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